Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to straighten your dolls hair.

Steps to straightening your dolls hair:

Step1: brush your dolls hair till there are no knots and it is smooth.
Step2: set your straightener for a low heat and wait for it to heat up.
Step3: get a spray bottle and wet the hair, you wet your dolls hair so it doesn't burn and damage the hair. Remember don't get the top of your dolls hair wet!
Step4: straighten section by section. If it starts to steam it does not mean your dolls hair is burning it is steaming because of the wet hair, also if it is steaming you may want to turn your heat down on your straightener.

Now you are finished straightening your dolls hair! Ask a parent before you complete these steps.
Remember, if you straightened your dolls hair, email me a picture at for a chance to get it posted on my blog. Have fun!   -Amy

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Washing Machine

                                                Supplies; -Shoe Box
-White Paint
-Plastic Lid
-A Sharpie Marker
Step 1: Cut out a Circle at the bottom of the shoe box lid
Step 2: Use a Glue or glue gun to glue the plastic lid onto the box were you cut the circle
Step 3: Let that dry then Outline it in black marker to make it look sharp
Step 4: Paint a white rectangle at the top of the shoe box and 3 circles beside it
Step 5: When the paint drys draw numbers on the rectangle and cirlce
Step 6: The numbers you have drawn show the bottons and times of the machine

Now you are finished and ready to use your machine!    
Remmember, if you make a washing machine, email me a picture at
for a chance to get it posted on my blog.
Have fun!

An Update On Whats Next!

Hello Everyone,
Sorry I have not been on my AG blog lately. First of all, I will be posting a new tutorial on how to make a AG Washing Machine. I  also have a pole going on titled "What should I make next". I would very much appreciate it, if you would go vote. There are four options to pick from (lemonade stand, farmers market stand, passport, and bed set). Second of all I would like your feedback. If there is anything you would like me to add, or change about my posts. Please leave a comment, or email, telling me what you would like. Thank you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Candy Shoppe

This is my finished AG candy shoppe.
It carries, lollipops, pepermint sticks, red licorice, ice sticks, gum drops, gummy bears, pixie sticks, and chocolate bars.
This is my candy shoppe.
Hope you enjoyed these pictures.
Remember if you made a candy shoppe, or candy, email me a picture at for a chance to get it posted on my blog!
Have fun!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Hello everyone,
Thank you for visiting my blog!  First of all, I have a pole going on titled "What should I make next".  I would very much appreciate it, if you would go vote.  There are four options to pick from (lemonade stand, farmers market stand, passport, and bed set).  Second of all I would like your feedback.  If there is anything you would like me to add, or change about my posts.  Please leave a comment, or email, telling me what you would like.  Thank you!

Candy Bags

These are three of my AG sized candy bags.  To hold my dolls candy in.
The candy shoppe owner will now be able to give candies in a colourful bag that you can fill to the top.  This bag contains pepermint sticks, along with gummy bears.
I like these bags because of the bright colour of the paper, you can also make it with printed paper which is equaly nice, and easy to make, this is a quick and fun craft to make for you american girl.
If you have already made, or making a candy bag (you can use my bags for inspiration) for your american girl, dont forget to email me a picture, to have a chance to get it posted on my blog!
Have fun!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sweets and Treats

Here are some of my sweets and treats that I carry in my candy shoppe.
These are the lollipops, made with salt clay, paint and tooth picks.
With the lollipops I also have ice sticks.  Made with tooth picks, glue, and beads.
Hope you enjoys some of these pictures you can use for inspiration.
Have fun!